Rule 9.200. The Record
(a) Contents.
(1) Except as otherwise designated by the parties, the record shall consist of all documents filed in the lower tribunal, all exhibits that are not physical evidence, and any transcript(s) of proceedings filed in the lower tribunal,…
Rule 9.210. Briefs
(a) Generally. In addition to briefs on jurisdiction under rule 9.120(d), the only briefs permitted to be filed by the parties in any 1 proceeding are the initial brief, the answer brief, a reply brief, and a cross-reply brief. All briefs required…
Rule 9.220. Appendix
(a) Purpose. The purpose of an appendix is to permit the parties to prepare and transmit copies of those portions of the record deemed necessary to an understanding of the issues presented. It may be served with any petition, brief, motion,…
Rule 9.225. Notice Of Supplemental Authority
A party may file notices of supplemental authority with the court before a decision has been rendered to call attention to decisions, rules, statutes, or other authorities that are significant to the issues raised and that have been discovered…
Rule 9.300. Motions
(a) Contents of Motion; Response. Unless otherwise prescribed by these rules, an application for an order or other relief available under these rules shall be made by filing a motion therefor. The motion shall state the grounds on which it is…
Rule 9.310. Stay Pending Review
(a) Application. Except as provided by general law and in subdivision (b) of this rule, a party seeking to stay a final or nonfinal order pending review shall file a motion in the lower tribunal, which shall have continuing jurisdiction, in…
Rule 9.315. Summary Disposition
(a) Summary Affirmance. After service of the initial brief in appeals under rule 9.110, 9.130, or 9.140, or after service of the answer brief if a cross-appeal has been filed, the court may summarily affirm the order to be reviewed…
Rule 9.320. Oral Argument
Oral argument may be permitted in any proceeding. A request for oral argument shall be in a separate document served by a party:
(a) in appeals, not later than 15 days after the last brief is due to be served;
(b) in proceedings commenced…